W. Hooker after J. Forbes
The Mahwhaw tree of Guzerat
Year: 1813
Born in London to a Scots family, James Forbes traveled to India in 1765 as a writer for the British East India Company and was resident there until 1784. He was a prolific writer and artist and filled 52,000 manuscript pages with notes and sketches concerning all aspects of Indian life, its wildlife, flora, and architecture. In 1781 he visited the Taj Mahal and became one of the first Europeans to draw it.
James Forbes
1 in stock
Size: 28 x 21 cm. 1st edition. This original Coloured aquatint can be mounted for added protection and is ready to be framed/stored. This service is complimentary with all our engravings & maps.
Exportable: No
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W. Hooker after J. Forbes’s The Mahwhaw tree of Guzerat is available to view at our store.